Thursday, August 27, 2009

Have to sort out my tracking issue and confirm registration with Fiona so she can find me. Hope I have sorted all the problems now.


  1. Life is certainly busy at this time of year and therefore a bit hard to find time to do these fun things! However, I have enjoyed looking around the google docs and google maps and very briefly at google book search. I was able to locate and track my daughter who is travelling o/s and talk to her about weather and places in text on her phone. Great!
    I can see some useful and simple applications for google docs in my classes to collect and sort data and information very easily and I hope to put this into action very soon in my class.
    I am enjoying this course.

  2. Have set up my igoogle page and i like the look of it. Now I must go back and register my activities at the blogspot. Google is certainly more than it seems.

  3. Have not had a very smooth run with this as I have struggled to find the time with all that happens this end of the year & the pressure to get Year 10 ready for the School Certificate. Now I am very much behind everyone else. I have looked at and completed several of the activities and will post blog comments about each now.
